Bradley Lake cleanup and Flyers Day 11

 Today our team was very lucky to have gotten the opportunity to spend it at Bradley Lake thanks to Mindy Bicknell. After talking to Mindy about my senior project, she very nicely offered for our group to go to her lake house on Bradley at some point, so we decided to take her up on that! We did not find a lot of trash at Bradley, we stopped a few times on the side of the road and also down at the “Main beach” but it was a close it community and was very clean. Although we didn’t find success, it was still a great thing to see. We thought it was going to be a different outcome at Bradley lake because it was a super windy day. After talking to Ron at the summit of Mt Kearsarge, we realized that wind should be accounted for in any environment especially on a body of water! We ended up going to Elbow to see if we could find anything but again no success. We made our way over to Concord and hung up pour flyers on composting, recycling, and sustainable living anywhere we could along Concords Main Street.

Total hours 4


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